So what will you see here? I'm partial to nature shots and landscapes but I also can't resist abstracts. I will also post random shots of virtually anything I run across in daily life. I live in a remarkable area with some amazing geographical features, interesting buildings and beautiful wildlife of all kinds. The little town of Turners Falls which is next door to my town of Gill has remarkable stuff like the Ct River, a huge bridge going over a large hydroelectric and flood control dam, an adjacent canal with crumbling old papermills and other factories and just tons of other weird and beautiful sights.
There was an eagle nest on a little island on the river, just two miles from my house. The folks at UMASS had rigged up a closed circuit TV camera to it and you could actually tune into a local public access channel and watch the nest from home. It was pretty cool. Unfortunately the tree that the nest was built in blew over in a big storm last year so I'm not sure what's going on with the eagles now. I will continue to keep my eye and lens out for them. There is no shortage of waterfowl however and they make for awesome shooting:

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