I went down to "The Patch" today to check out all the Canadian Geese. This section of the Turner Falls Industrial Canal widens into a long shallow pond before passing by the Silvio Conte Fish research station on it's way back to rejoining the CT River in Montague. It's a favorite stopover for Canadian Geese this time of year and also many kinds of ducks and gulls. Today was unusually warm, a balmy 65, and there were about 1000 geese on the canal. Also a few mallards and Golden Eyed ducks. When I left the house at noon I hadn't planned to hit the canal so I didn't have quite the right set up with me but still managed to get a few Lensbaby captures. The new circular polarizer made a big difference today. Those red lights in the third image are from some kind of lights at the electrical substation. There's a big hydro electric plant nearby as well.